15. april 2018

Life Pulse Massage & AMDOR avec Qi Gong Dynamique

enseignés par Aisha Sieburth et Anne Marie Marty

11 - 14 mai 2018  à Chant d’ Oiseau, Bruxelles

Reconnecter le corps, le souffle et l’esprit, optimiser la santé et le bien-être par des techniques du massage et de respiration taoïste. Apprenez à équilibrer les 52 points des pouls vitaux et les 4 diaphragmes majeurs du corps pour améliorer la circulation, détoxifier, revitaliser les organes, et transformer le stress en vitalité.


Contact et inscriptions


Tel.: +32 497 53 37 04 (Nataša)

Life Pulse Massage & AMDOR with Dynamic Qi Gong
Aisha Sieburth and Anne Marie Marty

11 - 14 May 2018 at Chant d’Oiseau, Brussels

Discover how to reconnect your body, breath and spirit, optimize health and well being with taoist massage and breathing techniques. Learn to balance the 52 pulses and the 4 major diaphragms of the body to improve circulation, detoxify, revitalize the organs and transform stress into vitality.


Tel.: +32 497 53 37 04 (Nataša)

6. avgust 2019
Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Tok Sen - Chi Nei Tsang workshop in Slovenia (Ljubljana) from 13-15 September 2020 http://puretaoconnection.com/en-US/55023/tok-sen-chi-nei-tsang-in-slovenia #toksen...  

12. julij 2019
Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Tok Sen tools #toksen #tendon-massage #natašakovač #chineitsang #detox #detoxmassage

10. junij 2019
Photos from Pure TAO Connection

Photos from Pure TAO Connection's post

We did it - Bone Marrow Nei Gong and Healing Love. Thank you Olivier Barré for your great teaching! Thank you Vy for translation and thank you all participants to join us 🙂- you were fantastic!

3. junij 2019
Photos from Pure TAO Connection

Photos from Pure TAO Connection's post

Tok Sen workshop in Brussels with great participants. 🙂 You can send me msg if you are interested to learn

31. maj 2019
Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Taoist secrets of sexual energy workshop in Brussels from 8-10 of June :-) with Olivier Barre http://puretaoconnection.com/en-US/54140/taoist-secrets-of-sexualitybone-marr...  

19. maj 2019

Who is Master Mantak Chia ? We'll tell you everything during a FREE presentation event in Brussels on 22 May from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.

Meanwhile, we're...  

Watch Free - How It All Began: Origins of Master Mantak Chia’s Universal Tao System

Watch Free - How It All Began: Origins of Master Mantak Chia’s Universal Tao System

18. maj 2019

London Real

Come to Brussels from 8 to 10 June and learn the Taoist Secrets of Sexuality taught by Olivier Barré, Senior Instructor of Mantak Chia's Universal Healing Tao System!

10. maj 2019
Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Taoist energy massage, Tok Sen in Brussels (Belgium) http://puretaoconnection.com/en-US/52283/tok-sen-and-protections-and-cleansing #energyhealing #toksen #taogarden...  

7. maj 2019

Tok Sen Brussels

Nataša Kovač, certified teacher from the Universal Healing Tao System by Taoist Master Mantak Chia, is teaching Tok Sen (Chi Nei Tsang 3) from May 23rd till 26th in Brussels!
There is some very affordable accommodation on site.
Please confirm your...  

6. maj 2019

For thousands of years those sexual principles and techniques were taught by Taoist masters in secret only to a small number of people in the royal courts and esoteric circles of China. Olivier Barré, Senior Instructor of the Universal Healing Tao...